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Saint Paul is the capital city of the state Minnesota.. Winter lasts for almost 8 to 9 months in a year at St. Paul and this city is one of the coldest places in the United States.. Long ago, people described this city as "Another Siberia" and it's unfit for human habitation during winter.. However, the people of Saint Paul took it as a challenge and they started adapting to the cold conditions and even tried to enjoy the white, snowy, icy winter.. To escape the gloominess of the winter, people started with different winter sports and other snow-filled activities and finally it all took over as the idea of a CARNIVAL, i.e, THE WINTER CARNIVAL... Every year the people await the month of January in order to celebrate WINTER CARNIVAL.. Now the WINTER CARNIVAL has become a tradition and
Minnesotans have been celebrating it for past 123 years.. Amazing...

We all know about the sand sculpture artist Mr. Sudarshan Pattanik.. Today I was amazed to see the snow sculptures and ice sculptures at St. Paul, Minnesota... It was fantastic.. The frigid temperature of minus 20 degree centigrade did not let down the spirit of this snow and ice sculptors to carve magnificent figurines.. The die hard spirit of the sculptors was impressive..

The WINTER CARNIVAL organizes "Snow Carving" and "Ice Carving" competition along with many fun filled activities.. People from St. Paul participate in the competition and at the end the winners are awarded.. The snow carving and ice carving competitions are held at different locations of the city.. The WINTER CARNIVAL has some prime sponsors like 3M, Wells Fargo, WALMART etc..

It gives me immense pleasure and an astounding thought about the "God's frozen land", and the way people have adapted to the frozen climate..

Find the below link to know more about WINTER CARNIVAL of Saint Paul..
Click on Photo Gallery (of the above link) to view the beautiful pictures...
Srimaya Rath


SAM said…
I really enjoyed The Winter Carnival was all the wintry fun,a bit painful but is real a worth...

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