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Solution to tackle terrorism...

"Ab bhi jiska khoon na khaulla, khoon nahin woh pani hai,
Jo desh ke kaam na aaye, woh bekar jawani hai"

In this blog let us discuss about terrorism in India and how to tackle it.. Let us not discuss about the problem.. everyone knows about it... let's give stress on the solution...

1. A strong system in place to fight terrorism

2. Strong political will

System to fight terrorism
Our current system is not well equipped to tackle the 21st century terrorist attack.. Hence, a strong System has to be built to fight terrorism. So, what do we mean by strong system?? It means..
i) Intelligence system has to be very strong and they should use all modern equipments.

ii) Modernization of policing and proper training to tackle terrorism.
iii) Issuance of ID cards to each and every person in India.

Political will
i) Home minister is accountable for the law and order of the country... so, home minister should be held responsible for any life loss or property loss because of terrorism.. hence action should be taken against him for any terror attack.. No execuses should be entertained.. (FYI, we are paying heavy amount towards tax for all the Govt. properties..)

ii) Terrorism should be fought as a single force.. all the parties should unite..
iii) Youngster should join politics.. young blood can bring the change very quickly..

To conclude, I must say the role of Election Commission is very vital..They should take a decision on the formation of parties..There has to be only 2 parties in the country.. Because in a coalition Govt, you can not take any strong decision... The whole time and energy is wasted by appeasing all the parties..
This is my point of view to tackle terrorism... Please give your valuable comments to tackle the issue...

Srimaya Rath


Anonymous said…
Agreed. There should be a excellent coordinating between our home ministry and the defense.

The Police forces shud be as strong as our army, the police job today is just like any other corrupt govt job.

Our constitution shud focus more towards the day to day security of a normal civilian.

I bet there was no politician who lost his life in this whole drama coz, the terrorists find no difference between themselves and the jusk politicicans, its only the innocent civilians who become the prey.

Its very sad to see how we have got used to facing such situations day to day and living with a fear.
where as in any developed country this is totally intolerable.

Its only WE THE PEOPLE who can make the difference. But how? Thats a big question....

Technically and technologically we are at par with any average economy in the world, we are no more a 3rd worls country, but where are we lacking?

Why a small group of ppl so called "POLITICIANS" are making so much difference in our life. A country is represented by ppl living in and not these JERKS. Where should we start with to hand over our lives to SAFE HANDS and not the JERKS.

There has to be something which has to bring a huge difference in the way our DEMOCRACY functions. Right now it sounds like DEMONOCRACY to me!

Good luck India!

SAM said…
Ever since the menace took over Mumbai,I had tuned myself to the internet on every single moment for the proceedings.Kuddos to the media(especially to the live reporters) in doing the wonderful job.
But I should add that this shouldn't be ANOTHER" forgetting lesson "for India.A handful of terrors kept the country on their toes which, no less speaks of complete failure of our whole system.India has to come up with a new face to combat this menace for WE HAVE TOLERATED ENOUGH AND HAVE TAKEN MANY LESSONS.Its NOW the time to ACT for India.

I agree India needs strong,daring young leaders with a foresight to led the country.No OLD PEOPLE PLZZZZZ,even if OLD IS GOLD.
India is "friends to its friends" and "enemies to its enemies" should be the clear cut MOTTO not just in words but also in ACTION .
The country of billion lives should not be taken for granted .No more CHALTA HAI ATTITUDE is either acceptable from the INDIAN MASS or from the POLITICIANS AT POWER...
To quote Shobha De's lines :-"ENOUGH IS ENOUGH".This line goes out to both to the Indian mass as well as to the elected powers of this country...
And if WE THE INDIANS don't work on it now by electing YOUNG,CAPABALE LEADERS;making the elected ones accountable for their jobs and even commiting ourselves SELFLESSLY during difficult times,then the time is no far when the TERROR will take the whole nation in its grip.


Jai Hind !!!
Srimaya Rath said…
Thanks for all your comments... Now I'm seeing the news that our home minister has given his resignation.. that's fine.. but what about the accountability??? Because of his ignorance or lack of ability, we have lost our 200 brothers and sisters... So, what punishment he should get?? All types of charges should be framed against him.. We should not let him go with just a resignation letter... He should face all the consequences.. And now time has come that we should assess the works of all our ministers.. If they have failed to do their job, then they should be punished.. Till date only one kind of punishment we were giving to our politicians.. that we'll not reelect them.. but now time has come that they should be asked more.. e.g if our politicians are failing to do their jobs then they should be banned to get a ticket for next 10 years.. This kind of stuff should be implemented on our politicians.. Their work has to be audited from an independent body..

Ok... having said this, now time has come for the youngsters to take the responsibility... Since we have no faith on our politicians, let us jump to the politics and let us revamp the nation.. let us drive our nation and set an example to the whole world... just the way Obama has set an example to the whole world..

Now, time has come to think above our self interest.. let us give our life for the nation...

Jai Hind..
Jai Jawan, Jai Kissan, Jai Vigyan..

Unknown said…
We have only learnt to blame others..We will blame Home Minister and Defence Minister..They will blame Finance minister and ultimately the whole system will be blamed...

It's very difficult to have control on 100 crores of Janta...and even if we start this at some point of time time people will start again blaming the new system as they will feel they don't have enough freedom or it's a wastage of time..

why only politics ??? Don't you think there are other feilds also where youngster should take interest..Now youngster are more Interested in IT companies due to high salary and not in other fields. Don't you think our technology is lacking behind and we should contibute to that? In western contries Scientists are more honored than any other professionals. But in our country those people get respect who have money.

It's very easy to pass comments but very difficult to act upon when you hold that position.

So better stop commenting and start thinking that as an individual what we can contribute to our nation. If everyone will start thinking like this then I'm sure we will have a better place to live.

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